Yesterday we had a long day of sailing, since the wind was coming more or less exactly from where we headed.
Morten, who got nauseous the first day took other the helm just after leaving our night spot and maneuvered us through a passage following the red and green markings.
When we reached open waters we set sail and started tacking. Morten turned out to be a natural talent steering the boat steadily through the waves on course.
Before we reached an island with a small lighthouse on that had served as a good mark to sail towards Thomas raised the need to use the bathroom. When the boat is healing towards the one or other direction on the course toward the wind, only when it is on portside you can use the pump for the toilet. So Thomas request needed to be completed before we needed to tack to avoid hitting the island.
Well he went downstairs and then called for help because there was a messy accident. I somehow figured quickly out how to solve it without revolting myself and Thomas to much. This problem solved finally Thomas could go about his business and he came up and we did the tack just in time before the island.

Around 16.30 we gave up sailing and started the motor and rolled in the sails one after the other. The main we could leave a while longer supporting us. I checked the forecast ones again, since we wanted to stay in a natural harbor over night south of Arkösund. But both the forcast and the sky showing darker and darker cloud formations worried me.
I called under these circumstances the natural harbor off and ordered us to go to Arkösund harbor.
We arrived here shortly before 18h with gusts hitting the water and first drops of rain.
We managed a good docking and the weather front passed without hitting us hard. But better safe than sorry!

We had been looking forward to sauna and nice amenities in a harbor, but the harbor was completely unmanned. Even to get the entry code for the toilets and shower I had to send a SMS. But we have had a good nights sleep and a warm shower before leaving for the canal entry harbor Mem today.

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