Today is crew change and the morning we spent first relocating the boat closer to power as well as the toilets.
I actually woke up at 7 o'clock and thought before everyone is up, I'll sneak over and throw in a load of wash. So I got my bed stuff to wash and other dirty stuff and, placed my sleeping bag to air out on deck and left for the washing room.
About 5 minutes later I had started the wash and came out to pouring rain. So I dashed back to save my sleeping bag, luckily Morten had noticed and it only got a little wet.
We enjoyed sitting in sheter and watch the rain for about 30 minutes then it cleared up.
My mum arrived during our cleaning frenzy and helped as good as possible.
I absolutely wanted finally to unpack and use the folding bike that I had spent my bunk with the last week. Sadly it turned out that one of the valves was leaking. In Motala during this Vättern Rundan cycling event, I thought I could get a spare part quickly. But nada, 3 places and 2 closed down already the 3rd tells me such valves are basically not used anymore.

Gian and Nila arrived at 15h just when my mum and I had finished grocery shopping.
Tonight we could sit outside and enjoy swedish shrimps with Knäckebröd and cheese. We opened the white wine that Christin, Morten and Thomas kindly had left.
Gian explores the boat and gets acquainted.
He wears his life west on deck all the time, very consciously.
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