We started the day slowly, but left Motala at 10.15h in the rain under motor. After a third of the way across Vättern, the rain ceased and a bit of wind came up so we sailed and had our sandwiches for lunch.
Just before the next rain came we managed to roll in the sails and finished our journey to the Göta kanal Karlsborg harbor.
In the rain we did a boye maneuver that was successful. But noticed that we had chosen the wrong side of the harbor not able to get to the services.

We decided to re-do and change side. Often you have beginner's luck, as it turned out for the first manoeuvr. The second, we had to redo and at the third try we managed, but lost the boat rod in the water and I rescued it afterwards with the dinghy.
I started writing this before dinner, by now I've had dinner and gone for a walk to the Karlsborg fort that seems to still be used by swedish military.
Well we changed sides, to be closer to bathroom and toilet. It was closer, but still terribly far, we even have to go over the bridge to get there.
But next to the service places the pier was completely full.
One hint to Göta kanal, when entering the harbor an overview of where to find what that is readable from the water, would be a usability highlight!
None of 4 books with the harbor in it specified, where to find what.
Well, after dinner the rain ceased again for a while, before also. Before Gian I got to experience the playground, while Nila and my mum cooked.
After, all of us walked to the fort.
On the way, found seldom snails, a bird with 15 ducklings and another playground.
Additionally Gian got an icecream for dessert.
I would say a successful first active day together on the water.

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