We started the day with a tour of the castle which was very interesting. It has 248 rooms and they were all numbered. We found out that the lord only lived there during summer so all furniture had to be taken apart and taken away or set up every year. No wonder IKEA is swedish, if they mastered this around 1650!
Then suddenly after lunch emotions welled and my sister and I had a clearing dispute. We had to settle our expectations, needs and possibilities as well as agree on communication.
After that we managed to leave Läckö around 14h. Since the day had promised hardly any wind and the sun came out more and more it was an enjoyable motor ride through the Vänern archipelago. Towards our natural harbor destination, I went down a marked passage that I thought was a shortcut. Suddenly a small motor boat with 2 kids waterskiing hollered.
Don't go further, we think your boat will get stuck, it's not deep enough further down the passage.
I didn't argue, rather took the advice and turned around to get us to our final destination of the day through a different route over open water.
Now we've had dinner, been swimming, played a card game Alphabet, that is similar to Scrabble, which sucks a bit for me, because my swedish is not the best in spelling.
It seems Fredrik, also is not constantly thinking about going home anymore.
I'm right now enjoying a beautiful sunset after a warm day.
Can hardly believe, just 5 days ago I spent hours in the cold rain.

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An Gentz (Monday, 25 June 2018 23:38)
Nice Reading!