Today, probably the hottest day so far, we entered the canal towards Gothenburg: Trollhättan elv/ Göta elv.
We didn't do a to long pass getting used to the canal and doing one downward lock today. Lovisa had to steer, because some of the bridges required VHF calling to pass, so she had to manage waiting while I made the radio calls.
We passed 4 bridges in total and start with one right after leaving our harbor tomorrow.

So we arrived in Trollhättan Spikön harbor around 15h and found a mini golf course near by. 2 hours later in sheer heat we had finished our match. It turned out Lovisa is best, but Fredrik makes the most acrobatic shots. After one of these shots we looked 10 minutes for the red golf ball in the flower bed.

Since we are in town today, we decided to go out for dinner instead of cooking.
Anna our dear friend has lived and worked in Trollhättan, she sails along in 3 weeks. Her recommendation was Strandgatan restaurant just across the water from the harbor.

Well I can't get used to 5 star communism, as my ex-husband called Sweden.
First they are abolishing cash in this country, second serving at the table is almost unheard of.
So even if we had cash, I needed to pay with my credit card. Also the meals had to be ordered inside except alcohol which was outside. Both separate lines and payment twice.
This obedience to standing in line and just waiting, was what George my ex called communism. It does remind me of DDR that I visited, just before the wall came down. There everyone stood in line waiting for their turn, when suddenly something scarce was available again.
So tonight I did stand in line first for the food, remembering what my sister and nephew wanted. Then picked up napkins and silverware, brought it to our table and got back in line for a beer.
At least here in Sweden all is available, so standing in line isn't in vein.
This was a good place though, they managed to bring all our dishes simultaneously. Have had different experiences elsewhere.
Spoiled as I am from Switzerland or Germany, these habits I struggle with, especially when I travel alone.
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