We took it a bit easy this morning and had breakfast out at the hotel Fars Hatt in Kungälv. After that it was a bit boring ride down Göta älv with some bridges that needed to open for us after a VHF radio call. Even if we stated late, we arrived in Gothenburg Lilla Bommen harbor shortly before 14h. Before we were fast at our reserved spot, we managed to place the boat for toilet emptying at the second try. It was a bit tight and without a bow thruster challenging, but as it turned out doable.
As a reward for a good week we went and had icecream and we grownups cappuccino and latte! Now drinking our coffee, the idea came up that Lovisa and Fredrik could head home this evening instead of tomorrow, if we managed to clean the boat.
So last possible train home for them would be shortly before 20 h.
Off we went and all really started cleaning and packing like a frenzy. Fredrik was one deck scrubbing his heart out. Lovisa and I inside, finding spots to clean that haven't seen water for years!
Well the job was excellently accomplished by all at 16.30 h, record time. Fredrik had managed to get the bow so clean even from anchoring dirt, I could almost eat off it. I told him, he would be hired straight away as crew with this record! He was very proud!
Finished with cleaning at 16.30 o'clock, so what now?
Well, quickly it was decided the two skip dinner with me and head for the 17.55 train. We started moving and only needed some dinner for the two on the train and their tickets.
The first option Burger King at Nordstan turned out to be a lemon, finally at the top of the line they were told food would take 20 minutes to be ready. Not enough time for that!
We moved on to the train station and found a second Burger King. Now we split up, I and Fredrik food line, Lovisa train tickets.
Finally at the top of the line with 15 minutes left. The cashier girl was a sweetheart when she learned we were trying to catch the train. She took care of collecting everything quickly so that we were off after 5 minutes!
So here's me seeing them off!
Thanks for a great week that really feels like family!
@ Fredrik, I miss playing Alphabet tonight!

You might wonder about me being all alone for the evening now?
No, I called Linn up and we decided, she and her roommate Malin would come with takeaway dinner and we could quickly go over tomorrows food shopping.
So now I'm alone after the two left for the night and Linn comes back with her packing and groceries tomorrow.
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