In the swedish manner Anna woke me up with singing and birthday cake on my bed.
I chose to get up though and collected all the presents that had been left for this occasion and opened them together with my tea on deck in the sun.
Thanks everyone for presents, cards, chocolate and digital wishes, felt special!
Since it was so hot I needed a morning bath quickly after that. The water temperature is amazing high around 25° Celsius!
Anna's parents had offered to pick her up and we agreed to all have lunch together in Karlskrona before they left.
So till then I finally wanted to get my wash done. With this heat I need all my T-shirts and shorts cleaned as well as my sheets.
After lunch around 15h we returned to the boat to pick up the rest of Anna's luggage and then my angel, who helped me to get here left with her parents.
So I was alone for the first time in 8 weeks. Felt strange and good!
I went later with one of the harbor bicycles back into Karlskrona to see the movie "Mamma Mia, here we go again!" Felt good to change scenery and be relaxing.
Also I've started reading one of my presents from Anna-Maria a new swedish thriller.
Looking forward to the next days, my mum will come and visit on Wednesday.
It has been a good birthday!
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Antje and Dirk (Monday, 30 July 2018 23:03)
Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Sofia, happy birthday to you!!!
See you on Friday!